Welcome to FOODlight

Welcome to FOODlight

Your learning community to develop your skills in photography & business with

 Lucia Marecak

Your learning community to develop your skills in photography & business with

 Lucia Marecak


Grow your skills with free resources & image Feedbacks

Join my free FOODlight community and get access to live image feedback sessions, my VIP e-library, full of freebies and valuable newsletters to help you grow amazing food photography skills and a thriving business.

Lucia Marecak - FOODlight - morning breakfast cereals

Discover our free magazine

FOOD CONNECTS US is prepared by members of our Members' Club. We team up to create the best recipes from all over the world. Learn about our traditions, cultures and get inspired by amazing photography of our members

The member's Club

Our Members' Club is the most interactive learning community with the mission to help you take your food photography & creative business to the next level.

Inside the Club, you constantly learn and progress in your food photography, grow as a creative person and create your business with a guidance and proved steps. I will support you in this process, and you will become part of a unique, interactive, and supportive community of like-minded creatives from all over the world.

The Members' Club is a community of creatives from all over the world, passionate about food photography

Our member's Club

The most interactive learning community with the mission to help you take your food photography & creative business to the next level.

Inside the Club, you learn and progress in food photography constantly, grow as a creative and as a person, have me and our members to guide you in this process and you are part of an amazing, interactive and supportive community of like-minded creatives from all over the world.  

Live coaching

5 live classes every single month, focusing on composition, lighting, editing or business

live access to industry experts

Get live access to other industry experts that join us live and share about their successes and struggles

20+ lessons and masterclasses

new courses, masterclasses & live trainings in our Members' Club every year

I am here to help, support and inspire you on your food photography journey

Whether you are just starting with food photography now or already know something but are looking for inspiration, the Members' Club is a space where you can learn, have fun and be a part of a fantastic community of like-minded creatives and food photographers from all over the world.

Discover our free magazine

Our Members' Club members prepare the magazine 'FOOD CONNECTS US'. We team up to create the best recipes from all over the world. Learn about our traditions and cultures and get inspired by the outstanding photography skills of our members

Free training for food photographers


If you want to achieve your photography goals, work on your dream projects, get clear about what type of brands are the right fit for you, then join this training, where you get 4 dive-deep lessons with rich and valuable insights.

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Hi there! My name is Lucia

Professional Food Photographer, passionate about building & growing an online business, sharing my knowledge and building a community of amazing like-minded creatives, who inspires and support each other. 

Originally from Slovakia, currently based in Turin, Italy. I am the founder of FOODlight, a food photographer, a food photography teacher, and a creative & strategic consultant to every business owner wanting to start & grow their online business.

I've built my photography business for simple reasons: my previous 9-5 job didn't fulfill me, I didn't want to sacrifice my relationship because of taking a new job in another city, and I didn't want to stop & start my career again when following my partner abroad in the future.

I developed the process that helped me build my business and now guides my students to build theirs. From zero skills & knowledge. 

What my Students says
